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Ron Gill & Curt Pate - Stockmanship - Introduction to Low Stress Cattle Handling
Dr. Ron Gill and Curt Pate - NCBA 2019 - Cattle Handling Full Video
Dr. Ron Gill and Curt Pate - NCBA 2019 - Cattle Handling on Foot
Good pressure loading V system for cattle work
2.8 Low stress handling of cattle
Low Stress Cattle Handling: Part 1
Curt Pate- Stockmanship - Positioning Yourself Correctly
Ron Gill & Curt Pate - NCBA - Prepping your cattle
Tips for Low-Stress Cattle Handling
Low Stress Cattle Handling
Cattle Handling Demonstration with Curt Pate
Curt Pate - Stockmanship - Controlling the position and speed of Cattle Leaving a Pen